And how did it go?
Posted by admin on August 12th, 2008 . Filed under: Daily .Well the umbilical cord was buddled up between the baby’s legs so we thought there would be no way to know what the baby is. Doctor J bounced my belly and sent the baby flying around, just going nuts. You could see the kid jumping around on the screen just going totally insane. Once the baby calmed down we took a few more minutes to look at the baby, we saw it’s cute little foot (perfect little ultrasound image below!) and it’s alien-like face (the doctor had a chuckle when I brought up that my kid looks like an alien). And then for a second Doctor J started staring hard at the screen and said “well I MIGHT know what the baby is…do you two want to know?” OF COURSE!!! And he goes “Well I’m about 70% sure it’s a girl…hmmm see that that and that well that’s what has me thinking that you are going to have a ….WOAH wait a minute! Scratch that I thought I just saw something else…that would make it a boy!” And then the baby moved in a way where the umbilical cord was back in the way and Doctor J tells us “I can’t give you any guess now, it could be either a girl or boy. But I promise it’s one of them.” Me and JP just had a laugh & we asked when would we be able to have another ultrasound….in THREE months!!! Nooooooooooooo!!! Another three months of not knowing the sex, I’ll be 7 months when I find out the sex of the baby! Well one good thing about it? I can’t shop if I don’t know the sex of the baby! :p Well enjoy my ultrasound images, click on them to make them bigger & see them on flickr for notes!
August 12th, 2008 at 2:58 pm
I think its kinda cool that the baby has yet to reveal his/her sex. There is not enough mystery in life as it is. Enjoy these times Pam as they will pass before you know it.
August 12th, 2008 at 6:06 pm
you’ll have the rest of your life to know what gender they are
3 months will go by quick!
August 13th, 2008 at 12:46 am
this is going to sound really bad.. but i know if you tell the dr you arent feeling the baby move as much.. they will give you another ultrasound to make sure everything is ok and you could ask about the sex!
i also know, from being 8 months pregnant.. that those 3 months will fly by faster than you think!
August 13th, 2008 at 9:46 am
3 months? they should do an anatomical scan at 20-22 weeks . hmm … you could always pay for a private one if you REALLY wanted to know that bad!
August 13th, 2008 at 3:08 pm
You definitely need a full scan at around 20 weeks. That’s standard across the board. They have to do it to detect growth rates and any abnormalities. I’d get a second opinion.
August 13th, 2008 at 10:20 pm
i’m still guessing it’s a boy.
& 3 months without an ultrasound sounds kind of…off? most women i know get it very frequently, at least once a month or something like that.
August 14th, 2008 at 4:07 am
what pams dr said is right. you get an ultrasound once a trimester unless something is wrong with the baby. every visit they measure your belly with a tape measure to make sure its growing right. there is no medical need for an ultrasound every month.
August 14th, 2008 at 9:58 am
EXACTLY megan!
I had my first trimester at 2 months, 2nd at 4 months & I’ll have to wait for my 3rd trimester ultrasound until I’m at 7 months. My doctor’s appts usually fall on the week I am going into a new month of pregnancy.
And if women are getting it every month then it is because of the fear of complications in the pregnancy.
August 14th, 2008 at 5:57 pm
i had 2 ultrasounds – the NT scan at 12 weeks, and the 20 weeks scan. everything was fine so i didn’t want/need any more than that. but like Ashley said, you could go private and pay for another scan (is 4D available!)