Oh okey alright

Posted by admin on August 5th, 2008 . Filed under: Pictures, Random .

So we have a tropical storm coming our way so the grocery stores are cleared out, seriously do people not keep food in their house? LOL I went to pick up just a few things on my list and quite a few things were just not there, water is totally wiped out but luckily I have enough bottled water. There were some snacks for Bruce I wanted to get and they were all out…but they had tons on sale for 50-75% off so…yeah he got 3 bags of chew treats. Oh man check out my freebies for this week, I did awesome!

My baby bump is showing! I was at the washeteria getting change & talking to the lady who works there about how hot it was that day (105*F), then she blurts out “So when are you due?” haha I always have the dumbest look on my face & feel like I have a sign on my head saying “Baby on Board!”.  On the 11th we miiight find out the sex of the little cupcake, another ultrasound! Yay!

14 weeks 14 weeks & 5 days

1 Response to Oh okey alright

  1. connie

    aww! your belly is too cute!
    are you hoping for a boy or girl? i’ll guess that it’s going to be a boy.