So wait how do you use coupons?

Posted by admin on May 28th, 2008 . Filed under: Daily .

I have people asking where do I get my coupons, how I save so much money, etc. Well I decided I’d put a post together of all my resources to help those who want to do the same as me & save! :)

Where do you get your coupons?
Mainly I get them from the Sunday paper that usually has 2-3 coupon inserts a week. I also email companies I buy often to gush over their products, many have sent coupons..even FREEBIES!

How do you know when to use your coupons?
You look for sales & match it with coupons to get maximum savings. I use a variety of coupon/savings websites that guide me in my coupon savings since I don’t have time to look through every flyer, check out prices at every store, etc.

What sites do you use to find deals?
- Grocery Game: My #1 source for grocery & pharmacies! It comes out each week & is super easy to work!! If you sign-up please let me know & I’ll give you my e-mail to use as a referel :)
- More Then Enough: They have wonderful deals for Target & Wal-mart
- Freebies4Mom: Great site that loves featuring freebies!
- MoneySavingMom: More great deals!

3 Responses to So wait how do you use coupons?

  1. Megan

    Thanks for posting these. I don’t get the Sunday paper and have been looking for other ways to get coupons/deals. Yay for saving money!

  2. Nicole

    Thank you so much for posting those links! Email me your email address again so I can refer you to Grocery Game. I do not mind spending a small amount of money to save a ton.

    Thank you so much!

  3. cassie

    mmm coupons…