ummm sooo….

Posted by admin on December 29th, 2009 . Filed under: Random .

BRB. I’ve been taking a break, but I’ll be back in full force to blogging. Holidays just seem to make the world go nuts. Yes that is my life…just plain ole’ nuts. But I’ll be back for the new year with my New Year’s resolutions & plenty of give-a-aways to ring in the new year right!

But for now I’ll be sipping on my cup of Theraflu & trying to tape my glasses to my face so they don’t fly off when I sneeze next time.

3 Responses to ummm sooo….

  1. Nicole

    Hope you feel better!
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..look Mommy, lights! =-.

  2. sam

    hope you feel better soon. and when you come back, bring some christmas pictures of micah, would ya?! :)
    .-= sam´s last blog year’s resolutions =-.

  3. Claudia

    You’ve got that right :) Have a good rest!