One of those days..

Posted by admin on January 12th, 2009 . Filed under: Daily .

So everyone asks me if I’m “done”. As in if I’m tired of being pregnant, tired of the aches, tired of the overwhelming amount of odd things that come along with pregnancy and well just tired of it all. And until recently (past few days) I was completley happy but now I am just feeling like my days are wasted since I am getting too tired to do anything. Today I made my doctor’s appointment (got there 45 mins early, oops! :crazy: ) and he told me that I shouldn’t really count on having the baby this week. I think that the baby boy won’t come until a few days after his due date but my doctor has told me he’d only allow me to go 1 week over my due date (thank goodness!!!!) so that’s good to know. And well I feel “done”, put a fork in me. Okey done with my little crazyness… for now that is ;) I really should clean up my living room but I’m thinking to just make some cocoa & cuddle with Bruce man :hugs:

8 Responses to One of those days..

  1. Jeanine

    Awwa, well its almost over and I have a feeling you wont go overdue… Either way it’s almost over you did it!! :)

    I say the same thing at the end, and a few weeks after birth I miss being pregnant lol!

  2. teresar

    I went 11 days over with Ivy and by the end of it I was tearing my hair out. They wouldn’t even consider starting me off ’til I was 12 days over o_O

  3. kelly

    lol it’s good that you’re done because he can’t stay in there forever <3
    it will be before you know it

  4. connie

    You’re almost there! It seems like just yesterday you announced that you were expecting!

  5. megan

    hang in there. i promise this is all worth it. i had morning sickness so bad the whole pregnancy that i had to be on meds for it… i was even throwing up while being induced and then during my c-section lol. i thought it was the worst thing ever and i never wanted to have another kid. he’s 3 months old now and i cant wait to have another!

  6. Courtney

    I remember when you posted that you were pregnant and it feels like it was just yesterday, I can’t believe your little boy will be here SO soon! I wish you nothing but the best! =)

  7. FlyLadyFan

    Congrats! You’ve flipped the switch from dreading to welcoming those labor pains. We all get there eventually! Saw you on twitter. Best of luck.

  8. tracey

    I’m so glad you have your twitter account so I don’t freak out when you don’t post. ANYWAY, pregnancy is tough but those last weeks are harder than any stage, I think. But I cannot wait for the world to meet your little baby boy!! You’ll forget about all the aches and pains soon enough.