Can’t stop me from looking…
Posted by admin on June 21st, 2011 . Filed under: Uncategorized .So I’ve decided not to buy any more pieces of furniture that need work until I’m done with my current projects…well they don’t NEED work but need it to live in my house. Right now I have six pieces waiting to be finished…yeah I have a problem so stop looking at me that way. Out of the six, three have been started and are over 75% done. But I can’t get over to the “finished” hump. To finish these three projects I need painters tape, more fabric & patience (to sew the covering for a chair, outsource to grandma???) Even though I’ve told myself no more pieces until I get all my projects done, I can’t help looking on craigslist for goodies that want a makeover. Currently I’m eying these pieces….
Dresser on the left is $60 | Dress on the right is $40
Dresser on the left is $50 | Dress on the right is $25
This dresser is $50
This dresser is $40
Any of these would look so slick with paint, new handles & a bit of creativity. Do you notice a trend? Yes, they are all dressers. We don’t have one but we also don’t have a truck to haul a heavy dresser in. Which one could you envision as one hot piece of furniture once it gets a makeover? Can anyone guess which one I would pick if it could just *poof* into my house?
June 24th, 2011 at 5:56 pm
I actually love all of them, but the second row is my favorite! I can’t wait to see what you do with them.