Weekend Thrifty Finds…

Posted by admin on June 14th, 2011 . Filed under: Uncategorized .

So a lot of you who follow me on twitter know that I’ve been thrifting a lot. Mostly for resell but their are a few things I come across and just want to keep for myself…you know until the next awesome find comes along. First up is the piano bench I picked up for a mere four bucks. Yes. I said it. FOUR BUCKS. I know it’s rough & needs a bit of TLC. But I’m guessing nobody else found this piece as charming as I did because it was sitting on its lonesome at an estate sale. This is a sale where someone clearly did their homework because I couldn’t make a dollar off reselling anything I would have bought there! But this baby…yes I see some potential in this sweet little thing. At first I thought the legs were bent…but they’re all evenly like that….they were MEANT to look as if they were collapsing in. My dad reassured me he’s seen many pieces where the legs went in like this (he use to own an antique store). So…score? Yes, score since that is one thing I don’t have to fix on this baby. It looks all cosmetic. Hooray!



Next up is an adorable foot stool, it’s so tiny & adorable. Micah has claimed this piece as his. He likes putting his bowl of fruit on it, having a seat next to it & munching the day away. I bought this at a very lame garage sale, the home the garage sale was being held at looked so ridiculously expensive. And the garage was FULL of antiques, NICE ones but they weren’t even considering selling them….oooookkkkk then close your garage door? Well I picked this little guy up and asked the couple how much, you know since nothing at all was priced. Well the woman looks at her husband, he shrugs & then she tells me “Well that’s really old…” Insert me just smiling, blinking & waiting patiently. “Well I guess I could sell it for…..$8? That’s REALLY cheap because it’s a REALLLLLY old piece, it’s french!” And then I say “Well I was thinking more like $4, what do you think?” She looks insulted & looks at her husband. Her husband’s reaction? Well he whispers “TAKE the $4 and get rid of it or it’s going to sit in our garage for another 2 years if you don’t!!! Plus that rope stuff is broken!!” Where she reacts “Well SOME people LIKE that look” & huffs. I of course butt in and tell her that I’m planning to rip the woven pieces off anyways since it isn’t original to the stool. She huffs “How about $5?”, I pull a fiver out of my wallet & run out of there as fast as possible!! I just can’t help being a bit of a butthead sometimes, it was all in good bargaining fun though.


Alright now here is the million dollar question….would you paint, stain or just leave these pieces be?! Fabric? Color, patterns, etc? Tell me what you envision for these pieces? COMMENT & let me know! Or @ me on twitter! I’d love to hear what you would like seen done to these pieces!

I’m sharing this post on Apron Thrift Girl’s Thrift Share Monday…even though I didn’t post on Monday….

1 Response to Weekend Thrifty Finds…

  1. leslie.

    i love dyi projects