Posted by
admin on
May 12th, 2011 . Filed under:
Being Mom, Pictures .
Micah wanted me to pop in & say hello. Well that must be why he was having me take pictures of his potato head creations right? He’s currently OBSESSED with potato head, where can I get only pieces for potato head at a reasonable price? Anyone? Sell me your pieces?

May 12th, 2011 at 2:57 pm
That kid’s hair is growing like crazy!
How long has it been since the haircut?
May 12th, 2011 at 7:42 pm
I gotta say, that Micah looks like the most coolest, laid back kid I’ve “seen”. He’s so cute! I love his nose, and his hair.
May 13th, 2011 at 11:57 am
WooDoo – Ummm he got that one haircut in…..November…yeah. Not doing that again :p
Nancy – He’s a pretty awesome kid. He even sits for the longest period of times just playing alone.
His hair is so awesome…except when he gets things stuck in it