What’s green about you?
Posted by admin on February 15th, 2011 . Filed under: Being Green .Being green comes easier to some then others. And then some things that are easy for one family are hard for another. Well I do some things and don’t even realize that other people would say “I could never do that” & then there are some things others will do that make me say “Man, that’s something I could never do!”
For instance, it’s probably been two years or so since I’ve bought paper towels. We have an abundance of clean up towels for cleaning up messes, spills & anything that would take a paper towel. I have a drawer just for all these towels. Then when bath towels get sad looking they get cut up & turned into clean up towels. And you might be thinking “Well Pamela, you have to WASH those!”. Yes, yes I do but my white pile of laundry is usually so small it seems wasteful to wash them on their own cycle (we don’t wear much white AT ALL), so it seems to make up for it.
We also have a compost pile in the corner of our backyard for leaves, yard clippings, forgotten fruits/veggies and even the daily coffee grounds. A compost bin is coming soon to certain back porch to ensure all the compostable materials don’t get thrown away. Hopefully these will be good for the plants I plan to plant in the spring!
So there are a few green things we do that come almost naturally to us now. What is something green you do?
February 15th, 2011 at 11:18 am
I don’t buy paper towels, napkins, or paper plates. They are costly and a waste. A few months ago if we had leftover napkins from eating out, I would bring them home and put them in a cupboard. Now we have a pile a couple inches high.
I also only use “green” cleaning products. I love the Method brand and it’s really cheap. I do have a small bottle of bleach for those stubborn mold spots.
Very jealous of your compost pile. We are hoping to be able to buy in the early summer. I’m already planning a compost pile, vegetable garden, and adding more plants to our home.
February 15th, 2011 at 2:03 pm
Way to go Jackie! I’m also stuffing extra fast food napkins into my glove compartment or saving them for the kitchen.
We use an all purpose concentrate product called “Simple Green” it’s super cheap, nontoxic, biodegradable & environmentally safer.
Good luck with the compost pile!
February 15th, 2011 at 3:44 pm
This is Fantastic. Thanks.
February 16th, 2011 at 6:18 am
I use cloth nappies 80% of the time and also use washable sanitary towels, which always sounded a bit gross to me ’til I started using them, and have now managed to get a few of my friends to switch too. Everything just gets a quick rinse and thrown in the ‘nappy bucket’ ’til I have a full load for the washing machine.
We recycle EVERYTHING (my husband works in recycling so we’re pretty strict with it). My household refuse bin, which gets collected every two weeks is never more than halfway full. We do have two recycling bins the same size and they’re always overflowing by collection day.
All food waste goes into the ‘garden’ waste bin that also gets collected on a fortnightly basis but I think we’re gonna start composting it instead.