Make way for the new year!
Posted by admin on January 3rd, 2011 . Filed under: Random .Usually I try for resolutions & lose sight of them pretty quick. Of course I want to get fit & trim & hot but well….sometimes I just need to down a cheescake, 5 Reese’s cups, 3 Dr. Pepper’s & a bag of Kettle chips…I’m a stress eater, so when things get ugly I get plump (okey just jiggly). Anyways where was this going? Something about the making way for the new year right? Oh yes, I’m decluttering for the month of January. Clearing out all the “crap”, my husband has been calling me a hoarder. No it’s called “I don’t have enough dang time in the day to go through all the stuff I want to get rid of & just leave me alone!!”. Sorry I get sensitive when I get called a hoarder because I have no problem dumping tons of stuff in the trash. I know what trash is & it goes straight to the trash bin. So by the end of the month I want to have enough crap to garage sale, the best stuff is going to ebay & whatever doesn’t get sold goes to freecycle.
This year I’m going to try & have monthly resolutions that will hopefully lead to a year of good & healthy habits for myself. Month 1: Get Organized. Once I figure all 12 out I’ll go ahead & post them on here. I have an idea of what I’d like to do but need to get them down in writing. Anyone with me to declutter for January?

January 3rd, 2011 at 10:36 pm
i think monthly resolutions are an awesome idea!
January 8th, 2011 at 11:39 am
Monthly resolutions are actually a great idea, there’s an idea called 30 days to success. The idea behind it is that you can do something for 30 days with the idea of knowing you can not do it again after those 30 days if you want to. By the 30th day though you have done it so much that you don’t want to go back to your old way. I think your idea of monthly resolutions are a much better idea.