Archive for February, 2010

And the look…

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

So last week I asked about shoes..well the dress I was going to get at first ended up being too boring for me. So I ordered a different one & the ruffles swallowed me…it was horrible (getting returned). So the day of the event I had to run to Express and just find ANYTHING that [...]


Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

Family means different things to different people. Some people consider friends to be the closest family, some have huge families, some just a person or two. It’s amazing at how one word can be bent in so many ways for each individual. I’m just happy that I am blessed with a wonderful family. I consider [...]

Make me some tea?

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

Have you ever noticed that when it rain it pours? I don’t mean that in a complete negative way either. I notice that life just seems to get crazy & hectic all at once, or completely nothing to do and chill. There doesn’t ever seem to be an in between. But maybe that’s just me? [...]