Oh temptation…

Posted by admin on January 13th, 2010 . Filed under: Pictures .

The man who owns the house next door is fixing it up for the next set of renters since he just bought it. He’s been hiring my dad for odd jobs & every time he comes over he brings baked goods from the donut shop he bakes for. This could be a very bad thing for me. Today he brought five or six dozen baked goodies for us. The large box looked promising..


But I had no idea what would happen once I opened it…


Oh so many to choose from…let’s take a closer look at these babies…sprinkles, chocolate, coconut…which one to choose? Or should I resist?


Well I guess I could just take a picture of my favorite…you know just a picture…


Okey so just taking a picture didn’t work…I was going to take more pictures but it disappeared into then air…no idea how that happened…


4 Responses to Oh temptation…

  1. linds

    OK my mouth is watering.

  2. Heather

    Nom Nom

  3. Courtney

    Yummm, I want one!!!
    .-= Courtney´s last blog ..All new. =-.

  4. Nicole

    Wow, now I want a donut. Not fair!
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..a new year! =-.