My Baby Story – Part 3
Posted by admin on March 12th, 2009 . Filed under: Daily .Read Part 1 of My baby Story Here
Read Part 2 of My baby Story Here
Part 3 includes blood, tearing, stitches and well just don’t read it if that grosses you out. :p
“Alright Pamela on three you are going to take a deep breath in and push as hard as you can until I tell you to stop” is what my doctor told me. I was too excited to be nervous or scared, all I could think about was pushing that baby out so I could finally meet the kid who had been kicking non-stop for the past few months. I looked at JP and I’ve never seen him look so scared in my life. ONE, TWO, THREE and puuuuuussssssssh. I thought for sure I would have made some grunting noises but all I remember hearing is “Push, push, you’re doing great, push. And exhale” After a few pushes…he was stuck. The doctor grabbed the vaccum to suck his little head out of there & here we go again with the pushing. He was still stuck. JP looked, I saw him look. He promised himself he wouldn’t look. But oh man he saw it all. I knew he would look, it’s like a train wreck where you can’t help but look. The nurses pulled JP and my mom to the side and both jumped on my stomach while I was pushing. All I could think was “what the hell!?!”. My mom and JP both had panic in their eyes. He didn’t want to come out but finally after more pushes then I can remember, having nurses jump on me & a vacum pulling my sons head out…he was finally out.
I was exhausted, I had contractions the whole weekend before and was running on very little sleep. They took Micah to be weighed, cleaned, measured while I was being stitched up. I didn’t get to hold Micah right away, which in my mind was very odd. JP held him and brought him to my side before he got whisked away to the nursery but I still hasdn’t held my newborn yet. My mom followed JP to the nursery & it was just me, my doctor & a few nurses in the birthing room. I was talking to my doctor as he was explaining why he was stitching me up (I knew already that I would tear most likely) and explained that I had the worse tear possible. A 4th degree tear meaning I tore ALL the way down. :sick: While stitching me up some liquid shot at my head. O_o I went “uhhh what is that?” The nurse came over and said it was blood…in my hair and on my pillow. All I could do is laugh and the nurse cleaned my hair up for me. After my doctor finished stitching me up everyone cleared out of the room and I was left alone. It was surreal. Had I really just had my son? Where was everyone? I really didn’t want to be alone but I knew everyone would want to see the baby. After a few minutes of resting my dad & grandma came in to congratulate me on having such a beautiful baby. They told me is was ghost white & looked just like me. A nurse came in with my dinner & told me I was lucky because tonight was Chicken Fried Steak. I started to dig in but wow can we say too much pepper? They overseasoned everything which I quickly learned with my three meals a day. My dad so kindly brought me a Dr. Pepper because after all that hard work I thought I deserved one. So I sat there with my dinner and all I ate was the roll, I would just have JP bring me something better I thought to myself. I sipped on my Dr. Pepper and nibbled at my piece of cake which was actually really good. Soon family started piling into the room to congratulate us and tell me how much Micah looked like me. When I asked JP where Micah was he told me they had to keep him in the nursery because he wasn’t getting any color, he was insanely pale. But they put him under a heat lamp and warmed the color right into him!
Everyone stayed long enough to say congrats, see the baby in the nursery & give me hugs. Then I got to lay back and rest. A nurse came in to push on my stomach to help all the excess stuff come out and a TON of blood came rushing out all over the bed, onto the floor. Which surprised her. And I don’t think it’s a good thing when your body surprises a nurse who sees this kind of stuff day in and day out. She came back later to do the same thing and even more blood. She told me I needed to hydrate and had me chug a huge cup of water then told me the second cup I could just drink at a normal pace. As she was about to leave I screamed that I needed something to throw up in and my mom quickly grabbed me a pan to throw up in. All that water came back up, I started feeling a bit light headed so I layed down to drink some more water. I was feeling a bit weak but who wouldn’t after giving birth right? My mom left to pick up my brother & sister so they could come see me & the baby. After she left a nurse informed me that I was going to be able to nurse my baby and that they were going to take me to my new room. As JP and the nurse helped me out of bed and into the wheelchair…I blacked out and JP heard the nurses say I was having a seizure….wait what? This isn’t suppose to happen.
March 12th, 2009 at 11:45 am
WHAT? omg… What a way to end this story!!!
That is insane… I had the same thing in regards to the blood when they pushed on my belly.. I had blot clots though. With my 2nd they lasted 4 hrs (them pushing, and all these coming out – almost had to have a blood transfusion) and with my 3rd they only lasted a few minutes…
Your story is scary though, my gosh. I surely hope you didn’t have a seizure.
I never tore.. I got cut for my 1st but was lucky enough the other 2 two times not to have to be cut or tear..
I hope there is more to this story, and that you really didn’t have a seizure…
March 12th, 2009 at 12:00 pm
Yes there is more to the story
I think it’ll be the last part too
March 12th, 2009 at 12:46 pm
YA really! Way to end the story. Good lord I’m glad you’re writing this today and not like pre-baby… if that makes any sense. We know you’re okay “now”!
March 12th, 2009 at 1:38 pm
Ah a seizure! That\’s scary. Can\’t wait for the next part!
March 12th, 2009 at 2:07 pm
oh wow, glad you are okay.
March 12th, 2009 at 8:21 pm
i’m so not glad i googled ’4th degree tear’ because images were provided.
March 13th, 2009 at 9:37 am
Oh what i want to know the rest
March 13th, 2009 at 5:11 pm
I agree with Nancy – thank Buddha we\’re reading this today KNOWING you\’re okay. Woahhh, Pam.. xx
March 14th, 2009 at 7:16 am
Talk about cliff-hanger! It’s like watching an episode of a TV show and getting the annoying suspense moment right at the end so you HAVE to watch it next week.
March 16th, 2009 at 3:04 am
Did you have an epidural or did you endure all this pain? Just wondering if you felt the tear.
March 16th, 2009 at 8:14 am
I had an epidural, I tried so hard not to but after you’ll see in Part 4 why I think it was a blessing for me to have it. :p