The waiting game…
Posted by admin on January 16th, 2009 . Filed under: Daily .Is it today? How about tomorrow? Yes I am eager to meet my son, the little human for the past few months has been kicking my insides and for the past few weeks has decided my ribs are a very comfortable spot to jab his little limbs into. I’m not tired of being pregnant, I’m tired of not having my son already. If that makes sense & most likely it doesn’t because I’ve been on a hormonal craze these past few days which luckily (for my husband) I didn’t do much of during my pregnancy. Sorry about all my baby talk whining but well I’m just bored.
I was so bored I even cleaned out my coupon binders yesterday… I recycled a ton of old/expired inserts. And now my binders weigh soooo much less and don’t look like they are about to barf out coupons. Speaking of coupons…. there is going to be a REALLY good deal on Ragu & Skippy next week at Walgreens…that’s the only reason I wouldn’t mind being pregnant still. So I can stock up on Ragu & Skippy for uber cheap. Yes I am Pamela & I am a couponholic. Maybe there is an 800 number I can call to get help.
Oh and for those of you going to ask me about the Ragu & Skippy deal…. check it out on HotCouponWorld!
January 16th, 2009 at 1:08 pm
awwww…your soooo close! and I know how you feel. As time gets closer you get more anxious! I give you major props lol! so to speak for not being tired of being pregnant!
and yes they love to kick us! mine esp. when I am trying to sleep! so between that and having to pee a 1,000 times a night….I’m not really sleeping! Eeeek! anyway, I am SUPER excited for you!!!! Praying that your delivery goes smoothly!
January 16th, 2009 at 1:14 pm
You make total sense!
Its time for you to hold you son in your arms.
You have kept him safe and helped him become a healthy beautiful baby, and now its time you got your reward, your beautiful baby safe and sleeping with you.
Oh btw I got hormonal crazy for a couple of days before I had both my babies. A sign that things are moving on maybe?
Gosh I remember just how sore my ribs were by the end of my pregnany..ouch.
Fingers crossed you don’t have long to wait!
January 16th, 2009 at 2:07 pm
Aww, well it seems like you’ve been pretty patient throughout your whole pregnancy. Your due date is the 25th? My birthday is the 26th…
But I hope you have your little boy soon & good luck. It will feel so good when you get to hold him for the first time.
January 16th, 2009 at 3:25 pm
Haha, it makes total sense! I can’t imagine the anticipation you’re feeling and how eager you must be. It has to be 3840830384x mine. — Not gonna lie, I checked Twitter this morning going, “Is he here yet? Is she in labor??”
I love your coupon posts. Haha, it helps me learn the ropes. I’m not sure how you end up saving $100 sometimes, but I’m trying to learn.
January 16th, 2009 at 4:54 pm
ooh i hope you don’t go over your due date, it’s awful just WAITING and waiting once that “magic” date passes by! i’m so excited to see pictures of the little guy!
January 16th, 2009 at 4:57 pm
oh and i feel you on the rib pain, it was it’s WORST while i was in labor!! i swear she was just refusing so much to come out that she curled up even higher in them. stubborn!!
January 17th, 2009 at 4:22 pm
It’s almost time, he’ll come soon!
You are alot calmer at this point than I was with any of mine lol… I’m sure it wont be too much longer, I dont think you’ll be going overdue at all!
January 18th, 2009 at 5:43 am
Cute. I imagine its normal. I haven’t been pregnant but I think if I were I would want my child after 9 months of waiting! When are you due?
January 18th, 2009 at 11:09 am
Do you have to have a coupon for the skippy and ragu or just their ad?
I need to go stock up!!!