I am so tired..
Posted by admin on December 30th, 2008 . Filed under: Random .yes tired, tired, tired and can’t sleep because baby boy wants to do flips in my big ole belly to keep me awake. I think in maybe a hour or so I’ll be dead tired where I can finally wander into bed and just pass out. I didn’t get to take my nap because I was afraid to leave my cats alone, one of them was in a foul mood & I didn’t want him picking on the smaller one so I stayed awake and kept an eye out on them.
So I put up a new theme today, it’s soooo clean looking. I’m in total love with it. And the picture I added into the header just makes me very happy because that’s just goofy us…being goofy Ohhh and I added a captcha to the site so now when you leave a comment you will need to fill that out, sorry I know it’s a pain in the butt but this morning after going through 80 or so spam comments something just had to be done. I am still screening comments but this will help I’m sure!! I’ve already noticed a difference, since I installed it not ONE spam comment. *dies from wonderfulness* It’s soooo wonderful
One thing that also keeps me up is the lists in my head… of all the things I need to do. Adding things, changing things, oh man the lists in my head are just about to drive me insane. Lists, lists, lists, lists!! :whine: Do the laundry, put away the dishes, buy bamboo blinds, do the baby laundry, pack hospital bag, get Repliva refilled, print out 8x10s for new frames, don’t forget biooil twice a day, did i take my pills?, refill ice trays, do extra work to be ahead, break down boxes from baby’s crib & bassinet, stop making lists. Okey randomness. I’ve already done everything major, my house is clean & I have hardly any work on my plate right now…. I think it’s time I try to go to bed… I really want to go to bed. :uhm:
December 30th, 2008 at 4:44 am
i love your new blog design
and you are so in the nesting stage!!!
December 31st, 2008 at 1:19 pm
The new looks is clean and cute! I like it! as for putting in the Security Code that’s no biggie.