Beyond tired.
Posted by admin on December 26th, 2008 . Filed under: Daily .I am totally beyond tired, Christmas was great but very tiring. Being so close to the end of my pregnancy means I get totally wiped out in just about no time. Christmas Eve was spent at the in-laws where we ate, opened presents & watched movies until around 1am. When 1 am flew around we headed home and passed out in our nice comfy bed. Christmas morning we lingered in bed until around 10ish until we realized we wanted to go by JP’s mom’s house before we headed for lunch at my mom’s house. My mom cooked a yummy lunch & then we opened presents. My mom was so sweet and bought us a car seat for the baby along with a few adorable outfits! After my mom’s house we had to rush home to pick up the gifts & sweets that we were taking to my grandma’s house… yes another house on Christmas. As soon as we got to my grandma’s we started dinner then goofed around and opened presents. My baby nephew was being so awesome & adorable, JP put him in a giggle fit which was way too adorable for words… Okey I’m rambling, I’m just very, very tired & sore. Goodnight & I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas.
Oh and do you need a franchise opportunity?
December 26th, 2008 at 5:10 am
I’m tired too. I actually fell asleep on the inlaws sofa yesterday evening. Mind you I ate loads yesterday which is quite unusual so I think I’m building up my enery levels. Due to give birth today but don’t feel like it will happen
December 28th, 2008 at 10:38 am
Yay, it sounds like you had a good Christmas!
Christmas totally wiped me out this year, I’m not even pregnant and I spent 2 whole days just relaxing and trying to catch up on sleep… now today it’s definitely time to clean the house and stop being so lazy!