Showering the baby…
Posted by admin on December 21st, 2008 . Filed under: Pictures .Oh wait a baby shower? For me? Yes! :party: My sister-in-law (Dora) threw me a surprise baby shower because everyone knows I’m a bit shy when the spotlight is around me…and most of all I HATE opening presents in front of people. Oh my it causes me such anxiety, Christmas time is horrible for me… I rather get nothing at all then have to open presents in front of a group. But it went well and the baby got very spoiled. We got a crib, bassinet, swing & quite a few cute outfits! :smiles: JP’s family truly spoiled us! We did co-ed and that meant the men by the end of night were outside drinking…and I ended up driving home. :bubbley: JP is knocked out in bed right now & well that kind of sucks because I can’t turn the shower on for my night time shower…the thing you pull to take a shower is REALLY stuck and takes a lot of he-man power to pull it
Ohhh me I couldn’t help but to upload some of the pictures we took today…but none of these made the cut for the Holiday Cards we are sending out… I’ll post those once I get the cards done :hugs: I’m hoping to have the cards tomorrow so I can have them all sent off on Monday morning :smiles: Enjoy this goofy picture of us… and no I could not stop laughing. JP kept doing weird things and then would pose all cool for the camera :rolly: More pictures in my flickr!! Oh and have I mentioned how much I love that I haven’t had to do a credit card cash advance for Christmas?? This makes me very happy! :geek:
December 21st, 2008 at 3:29 am
haha, verytoime the hubby and i take pitures, it ends up like this!!!
December 21st, 2008 at 4:55 am
Awww, I am so glad you got so much at your shower! I know what you mean about opening gifts in front of everyone when they are all in a dead stare! lol, I hate that!
And OMGOSH your flickr pictures are ALL kinds of cute!! Bruce in the little sweater, adorable!! And I really like the Christmas pictures of you & JP.. especially the ones of you two laughing, they don’t look posed and I love that!
December 21st, 2008 at 6:21 am
That photo is adorable!
December 21st, 2008 at 10:40 am
Sounds like you had a good shower, that’s awesome. It does feel kind of awkward opening presents in front of people and I agree, I absolutely hate having the spotlight on me! I just get very nervous and uncomfortable and so many people around me just don’t understand why I don’t like it… haha, oh well.
And that is an adorable picture of you and your hubby!
I can hardly even get mine to even take pictures with me.. you’re lucky!
December 21st, 2008 at 10:42 am
You and the Hubby look so happy together. Beautiful pic.
December 21st, 2008 at 1:20 pm
Congrats on the baby shower! Sounds like you got a good amount of stuff. I’m like you and hate being in the center of attention and hate opening gifts in front of everyone.
Love the picture by the way!!
December 21st, 2008 at 6:25 pm
awww….they still were adorable pictures. funny and cute. and that is awesome they had a surprise baby shower for you…take a pic of all the goodies baby got! I wanna see!hehee…
December 22nd, 2008 at 3:37 pm
aw your outtake photos are great.