Scary day at the mall.
Posted by admin on December 16th, 2008 . Filed under: Daily .So this morning I went to the mall with Charles (my uncle who’s only 4 years older then me) and had a scary little spell that made me very happy that I hadn’t gone shopping alone today. When we were in the gap (I got Micah this for only $12!) I started getting a bit light headed which is normal with my very low iron levels so I do these like squat things & make sure to keep walking around. If I stand still too long the blood “puddles up” in my legs (my doctor’s words :p ) so it’s a good thing for me to not just stand in one place. Well I’m good & thinking it is passing so we go to a watch place in the mall. While I’m standing there I get very dizzy again & start sweating. I took off my sweater and tried some breathing along with moving around but I was just so dizzy it felt like I was about to black out. I was scared because it hadn’t ever gotten this bad. So I tell Charles after he gets the watch I need to go to whatever food thing is closest to get water & whatever carby/sugary thing possible. So we finish up and I remember that I had forgotten to pick something up at Bath & Body Works so I really wanna just stop in to grab it so we don’t have to walk all the way back (this is a REALLY, REALLY large mall). We go ahead to the store since I won’t be browsing or anything I think I’ll be fine but after checking out I go to a corner and just squat in it while breathing really hard because I just can’t stand. And I’m starting to see black dots, I just sit there until I feel fine enough to walk to the nearest stand with food which happened to be Starbucks. I sat down while Charles got me a big cup of water & a blueberry coffee cake to help because a bit of food/water usually helps. And thank goodness we were done shopping because I didn’t even wanna attempt to try being in that mall any longer. I’m just so glad I wasn’t alone because there is no way I could have carried my own bags & gone through that. I was so scared I was just going to pass out at any moment. But once I got some food & water in me I was good, I crunched the whole cup of ice on the way home too. I took the rest of the day off to lay in bed & relax because I really just didn’t want to risk driving to the store. I’m giving myself tomorrow off too minus doing a bit of laundry.
December 16th, 2008 at 6:45 pm
You must listen to your body, get lots of rest. I know it is hard to fight the urge to clean,cook and get everything ready for baby to arrive. Look after you, you have a busy few months ahead
December 16th, 2008 at 7:10 pm
Wow, that sounds really scary! Thank goodness you had someone with you!
And I saw a onsie (is that what they’re called) like that on a kid in the grocery store today, and I swear to you, it was EXACTLY like the one you bought today! So absolutely adorable!
December 16th, 2008 at 7:32 pm
Oh wow, that’s scary. Do you feel any better now that you’ve had time to rest? I hope so!
December 16th, 2008 at 7:38 pm
Good thing you weren’t alone! We wouldn’t want you passing out in the middle of the mall! That is scary! Thank God your okay! I had an experience last month right before thanksgiving…I was out with my mom Christmas shopping and almost passed out, blurry vision, ears plugged up, sweating and was about to faint. Luckily, my mom was with me…and she was about to take me to the ER but I was able to sit down and she got me some water and I was okay but it scared the livin crap out of me! A week later I found out I have gestational diabetes…which after that experience…It totally made sense. But it was nice I was out with someone…because I really would not have wanted to pass out in Target by myself!
AND that baby bear outfit is ADORABLE!!!!!! and what a steal!
December 16th, 2008 at 9:06 pm
That’s so scary. It’s good that you weren’t alone that would have been a lot more scarier. Glad everything is okay and you’re feeling fine again!
December 17th, 2008 at 7:40 am
aww i’m so glad you’re okay. that has happened to me a few times during this pregnancy, ONCE while I was driving on the highway. i freaked out and didn’t know what to do, luckily there was an exit so i took that right away and just parked on the side of the road until i got myself back together.
scary stuff!!
December 17th, 2008 at 11:57 am
wow, that is scary! I’m glad you are alright.. I know how that feels to feel dizzy, and almost blackout… Its a common thing for me druing pregnancy (and im on my 4th)
so glad you are ok, and that you werent alone!
December 17th, 2008 at 4:41 pm
oh man, that sounds scary! reminds me of my panic attacks. no fun, being in a crowded mall where its hard to leave when you need to quicktime. Well, at least you didn’t pass out and all!
December 17th, 2008 at 9:50 pm
Omgosh thats scary!Im glad youre ok!
December 17th, 2008 at 11:31 pm
Hey hun, first let me begin by saying congratulations on the pregnancy! I had no idea.
Also, I’m glad you’re alright. That couldn’t have been an enjoyable experience..
December 18th, 2008 at 1:52 am
this is happening to me now – and happened with Jasper (and inbetween) too. if i get the slightest bit dehydrated or there’s a temperature/climate change, i need to have some water straight away or i pass out. it’s terrible.. but i never leave home without a water bottle now. i was half passed out at the birth centre tour, had to drink from the bathroom basin.
it’s so scary! so i’m glad you weren’t alone also…
December 18th, 2008 at 11:18 am
Eeek Pamela!!!! That IS scary! Especially when your pregnant
— I’m glad that someone was with you though!
Feel better soon xo
December 18th, 2008 at 1:57 pm
Oh gosh, that sounds terrible. Make sure you take someone with you at all times when you head out! It may be inconvenient, but you don’t want to risk a fall!
December 19th, 2008 at 2:43 am
Take it easy Pam! I’ve not really had any light headedness this time round.
December 21st, 2008 at 9:53 pm
same thing would happen to me at the end of pregnancy. it ended up being my blood pressure. it would either be super high or too low. ask your dr about that. mine got so bad i ended up being induced!