Oh doctor doctor!
Posted by admin on December 15th, 2008 . Filed under: Random .Anoooother doctor’s appointment, these are getting very tiresome. :p And sadly it is about to rain & I do NOT want to drive in the rain at all. I rather sleep through it…anyone else feel the same way? You know know what let’s just all jet a plane to las vegas nevada & gamble the night away. I’d include drinking but I’d be a bit jealous of all the fabulous drinks everyone else can have & I can’t. :q Heck I’d LOOOVE just a Michelob Ultra right now, I miss having a beer with dinner when I go out to eat. But you know what I’d give up all the adult beverages & raw sushi in the world forever if that’s what I had to for this little boy.
Ohhhh there are some REALLY good deals on cearal today, I’m so excited because I started to freak out last week when I saw I was on my last box of cheap mini-wheats! But this week I can get them for .49c a box & some others I’ll be getting are .29c a box! Uhhh hello stockpile of cearal, here I come!! Lately I just haven’t had any luck couponing but last week’s haul brought me some hope! A few things I’ll be giving as gifts (lip stuff & body stuff) but all the man stuff were things JP had been wanting me to buy….even at full price Thank goodness I got him to hold out until a sale, I’d kick myself for buying him $14 razors when I got all that for the same price!
Alrighty I have to get dressed I have a busy day ahead of me. Bank, grocery store, Doctor’s office, grocery store, washateria, and a buttload of work Have a great day everyone!! Sorry for my random randomness but hey it’s fun!! :pirate:
December 15th, 2008 at 1:30 pm
I managed to snag some freebie coupons. My MOM of all people, actually sent them to me. (Free hot dogs, noodles and bread from Dempsters)
I think I got her on the lookout for coupons and daily usage of coupons, ever since I e-mailed her my stock pile and showed her how much I saved.
I mailed my save.ca coupons to my house back home, in HER name… she opened it and actually waited it out until the Fuzion razors were on sale and she picked up a free one for my Father. Hehhe!!
December 15th, 2008 at 2:42 pm
Ugh! I wish there were better grocery stores in this town because we NEVER get good sales like that. (Or coupons to use on sales…)
December 15th, 2008 at 4:14 pm
I can’t even imagine finding deals like that. I must be looking in the wrong place!!
December 15th, 2008 at 5:32 pm
I know what you mean! I miss raw SUSHI!!!! ugh! I keep telling myself I only have 2 more months! hehehe…and after this little girl pops out you better believe we be going to some sushi! hehe… at least you have less time than me ahead of you.
do you plan on breastfeeding?
December 15th, 2008 at 5:37 pm
Erika – Yeah I plan on breastfeeding exclusively for the first 6 months, so that means another 6 months without multiple cups of coffee & beers at once :p