I can’t wait…

Posted by admin on September 30th, 2008 . Filed under: Daily .

October 6th is my next doctor’s appointment along with ultrasound! A big woo hoo! Woo hoo! Oh and I wish I could find my memory card reader darnit! I have a memory card almost full…sure I have 3 empty ones but I’d like to dump this one out on my computer & flickr. *sigh*


22 Weeks

Lately my little cupcake has been kicking up a storm for me…not so much for J.P. though. I promise it seems like every time J.P. puts his hand on the usual kick spots the baby calms down and nothing…he’s felt the kiddo kick once though. My stomach is growing so quick, it’s amazing to think my body can do this. The human body is capable of some pretty amazing things, it’s just crazy whenever I read about the new things the baby is suppose to be doing.

Okey time for lunch, later guys!

4 Responses to I can’t wait…

  1. Melinda

    Yay, baby pics! Well, sorta… close enough!

    Good luck finding the memory card. Can you believe how quickly this time is passing?

  2. Nancy

    I can’t wait to find out the sex of your baby! Ahh!

  3. Erin

    You’re such a cute pregnant woman!!!

  4. Dani

    Gosh, I hope I look half as good as you do whenever I have kids! You’re absolutely glowing, and you have the most PERFECT baby belly ever. :]

    *hopes the lil cupcake is a girl* Although I think I predicted boy.. haha!