Well Hello!
Posted by admin on June 13th, 2008 . Filed under: Pictures .Sorry about not posting for awhile, life has been a bit crazy. Last weekend was my birthday & I spent it tracking through a beautiful cave and picking blueberries. Fun stuff! And this weekend my dad will be moving in with us. Life is nuts right now but it’ll be alright, it always is. So for now enjoy this pictures of the cave we visited last weekend, my camera died very quickly (nice going Pamela!) but I still got a couple of decent images.
I just really get frustrated when I forget my extra battery or just totally forget to charge my battery at all. It seems like I do it all the time. LOL Anyone else always forgetting to charge camera batteries?
Oh and we bought another car so me & JP both have our own car (mine being the nicer one :p ). Our insurance is a very nice chunk of change because J.P. needs all this extra coverage for work and it has to be applied to both cars and not just one of them. Does anyone have a van or mini-van? Does Van Insurance cost more, for some reason I would think they are safe so insurance would cost less?? I’m thinking it would be cool to have a van once I have a butt load of kids, you know like 8 or 9 kids (kidding!!).